Crowbar Collective

How many copies did Black Mesa sell? — 2024 statistics

More than just a theory!

Release Date
March 6, 2020
First-person shooter
Crowbar Collective
Crowbar Collective

Black Mesa, crafted by Crowbar Collective, brings a fresh take on the iconic game Half-Life. This bold remake has not only caught the eye of those who loved the original but has also pulled in a whole new crowd of gamers. When it comes to the Black Mesa sales, they’ve really made a mark in the gaming world. On the other hand, Black Mesa statistics paint a picture of a game that’s not just surviving but thriving, with a player base that keeps growing. Below, we’ll dive into the details about how well the game is selling and how it’s keeping its players hooked.

Black Mesa sold an estimated 3.4 million copies on Steam.

(Source: PC Gamer, VG Insights)

  • Just a week after release, Black Mesa has sold over 30,000 copies.
  • The game, which began as a fan project, was officially released on March 6, 2020.
  • Black Mesa was among the top 10 best-selling games on Steam during its release month.

The really strong sales of Black Mesa not only show how much people love the game, but also how committed its fans are. Starting off as a project made by fans, Black Mesa turned into a big hit, showing just how good the remake is. It’s like seeing your favorite classic movie get a new, polished version that brings back all those great memories from the first time around. This game has not only caught the attention of folks who loved the original Half-Life but also brought in new fans who are getting to experience the magic for the first time. It’s a great example of how a group of dedicated fans can bring an old favorite back to life and make it shine for both old and new players.

Black Mesa generated an estimated $44 million in revenue on Steam.

(Source: VG Insights)

  • The game has maintained a steady revenue stream through regular sales and price promotions.
  • The continuous updates and improvements to the game have kept the community engaged and willing to support the developers.

The money Black Mesa made really shows how hard the developers worked to make a great game. This success means they can keep updating and adding to the game, which helps make sure it stays fun and interesting for players over time. It’s a big deal because it shows that even fan projects, with enough passion and hard work, can turn into something major. Plus, the ongoing income from the game gives the developers a steady stream of resources to keep polishing and expanding Black Mesa, ensuring that it continues to attract new players while keeping the old fans happy. It’s all about keeping the game alive and well in the competitive gaming market, where players always look for something new and exciting.

Black Mesa reached an all-time peak of 7,116 concurrent players.

(Source: Steam, Steam Charts)

  • Black Mesa has an Overwhelmingly Positive review score.
  • 95% of the 106,226 user reviews being positive.
  • The game continues to attract a healthy number of active players, with regular peaks in player count during sales and updates.
  • Average play time is around 8 hours.

The high number of players at once really shows that Black Mesa keeps its fans coming back and draws in new ones too. This isn’t just luck—it’s because the people making the game keep it fresh with updates and listen to what players say. They’re not just sitting back; they’re actively making sure the game stays interesting and fun, which keeps the community lively and engaged.

Plus, the game isn’t just popular for no reason; it’s making a real splash in the gaming world. Strong sales and the money it’s bringing in prove that it’s more than just a successful game—it’s a major player in the market. This success isn’t just good for the developers; it’s great for the players too,


  • “Black Mesa Steam stats”. Video Game Insights, 2024,
  • “Black Mesa – All the data and stats about Steam games”. Steam Spy, 2024,
  • “Black Mesa was one of Steam’s top-selling new games in March”. PC Gamer,
  • “Just a week after release, Black Mesa has sold over 30,000 copies” r/BlackMesaSource,
  • “Black Mesa on Steam”. Steam, 2024,
  • “Black Mesa”. Steam Charts,