Pet Master free spins & coins — daily links January 2025

The latest links for daily new Pet Master free spins and coins

Moon Active

Pet Master is a funvidle game by Moon Active that combines the excitement of slot machines with city-building strategy. Every time you play the slot machine, you get a chance to earn coins and other rewards. You can use those rewards to build your village, buy chests, and much more. Spins can cost you a pretty penny in the game’s shop, so we’ve put together a guide of all the best ways to get Pet Master free spins and coins without spending a dime.

Moon Active releases free prize links every day. Clicking on a link will give you free coins or spins (and sometimes both!). The links are only valid for a short time and usually expire within three days.

Pet Master free spins & coins daily links January 2025

Pet Master free spins & coins Today

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins November 1

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins October 31

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins October 30

  1. 25 spins

Pet Master free spins & coins October 29

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins October 27

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins October 26

  1. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins October 25

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 1 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins October 23

  1. 25 spins
  2. 25 spins

Pet Master free spins & coins October 22

  1. 10 spins, 1 million coins
  2. 25 spins

Pet Master free spins & coins October 21

  1. 10 spins,1 million coins
  2. 25 spins

Pet Master free spins & coins October 20

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins October 19

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 1 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins October 18

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 1 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins October 13

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins October 12

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 1 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins October 11

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins October 10

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins October 9

  1. 25 spins

Pet Master free spins & coins October 8

  1. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins October 7

  1. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins October 6

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins October 5

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins October 4

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins October 3

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins October 2

  1. 25 spins
  2. 25 spins

Pet Master free spins & coins October 1

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 30

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 29

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 28

  1. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 27

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 26

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 25

  1. 25 spins
  2. 25 spins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 24

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 1 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 23

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 22

  1. 10 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 21

  1. 10 spins, 1 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 20

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 19

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 1 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 18

  1. 25 spins
  2. 25 spins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 17

  1. 10 spins, 1 million coins
  2. 25 spins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 16

  1. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 15

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 14

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 13

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 12

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 11

  1. 25 spins
  2. 25 spins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 10

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 9

  1. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 8

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 7

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 6

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 5

  1. 10 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 4

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 3

  1. 25 spins
  2. 25 spins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 2

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins September 1

  1. 10 spins, 2 million coins

How to get more free spins & coins in Pet Master

Get 5 free spins in Pet Master every hour

This one is so obvious that most players take it for granted: you get five free spins every hour.

The good news is that you don’t have to log in every hour to claim your free spins. You can wait up to 10 hours before claiming them for a maximum of 50 free spins.

Some players recommend waiting the full 10 hours before claiming them. That way you get to spend the full 50 spins in one session. Others prefer to log in on the hour, every hour, to avoid the risk of capping out on free spins. Never wait more than 10 hours to claim your spins, because Pet Master will throw out any free spins over the cap of 50.

Take part in special game events

Moon Active regularly holds special in-game events for Pet Master. During these events, you can earn extra rewards by completing event-related quests.

Most events involve spinning the slot machine for a chance to get a special event token. Every time you spin one of these tokens, a special event bar will slowly fill. Once this bar is full, you’ll receive a huge reward.

At the end of an event, your final event score will be compared to your friends’ scores. You’ll get an additional reward based on how well you played compared to your friends.

Complete Pet Master card sets

Completing Pet Master Card Sets is one of the best ways to earn free spins in Pet Master. You get hundreds of free spins for every completed card set — the rarer the set, the bigger the reward.

If you manage to complete a full album, you’ll get thousands of free spins and a huge coin prize. The first album alone will give you 1,500 free spins and a whopping 250,000,000 coins!

Pet Albums are unlocked at Village Level 3. You get cards by buying chests. Focus on completing albums as soon as they become available.

While it can be tempting to raise your Village Level as fast as possible, there’s no rush. Chests are the cheapest at low levels, and leveling up too quickly means you’ll be spending more money on chests.

The best time to build your village is during a Village Rush event. This event rewards ultra-rare Royal Cards needed to complete some card sets.

Win free spins from raids

As a reward for completing a raid, you get to choose from three random safes. There’s a one-in-three chance the safe you choose will contain either coins, a small gift, or free spins. If you win free spins, you’ll receive either five or ten spins.

This way of earning free spins is unreliable — don’t start spamming raids hoping to rack up the spins — but it’s worth knowing about.

Invite your friends to play Pet Master

Pet Master has a referral system that gives you 90 free spins for every new player you get to play the game. Send invites to any friends you know that aren’t playing Pet Master yet.

It also pays in the long run to have a ton of friends in Pet Master, because you can…

Get spins from your friends

If you’ve been playing Pet Master for a while, you’ll know that every day you can give one free spin to each of your friends. It works the other way around, too: each person on your friend list can give you a free spin every day.

Pet Master lets you have up to 100 friends. That’s potentially 100 free spins every single day!

Of course, you might have several Pet Master friends that don’t play regularly, or they don’t play every day. If you really want to get the most out of your friend list, you should cut anyone that isn’t giving you your daily free spin. Only keep the most dedicated Pet Master players on your list, so you can get the full 100 free spins every day. Don’t forget to be a good friend and give your friends their free spins, too!

You can find the most dedicated Pet Master players in online forums and communities. The Pet Master Official Trading Group is one of the best places to find Pet Master friends.

Play the dice rolling mini-game

When you reach Village Level 4, you get access to the board mini-game in Pet Master. If you’ve played Monopoly before, then you should be familiar with the rules.

Each turn, you roll a pair of dice. The total number you roll determines how many steps your character moves on the board. Certain tiles will give you rewards when you land on them, like spins, coins, and dice rolls.

You get a free dice roll every six hours. Just like with the free hourly spins, you don’t have to claim them on the hour, every hour. The free dice rolls will stack up to a cap of six (or 36 hours).

Dice rolls can also be won by completing missions or participating in Pet Master events. Dice rolls won in events don’t count toward the six roll cap.

The board mini-game is a bit of fun, but it’s not a great way to get tons of free spins. Still, you should play it whenever you get the chance, because the rewards really add up over time.

That was a rundown of all the best, surefire ways to get free spins in Pet Master. Do you have any tips that you think deserve to be on this list? Pet Master is all about community and sharing, so be sure to let other players know in the comments below.

Expired Pet Master free spins & coins links

Pet Master free spins & coins March 31

  1. 10 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 30

  1. 25 spins
  2. 25 spins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 29

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 28

  1. 10 million coins
  2. 25 spins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 27

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 26

  1. 25 spins
  2. 25 spins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 25

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 24

  1. 10 million coins
  2. 25 spins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 23

  1. 25 spins
  2. 25 spins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 22

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 21

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 20

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 19

  1. 25 spins
  2. 25 spins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 18

  1. 10 spins, 2 million coins
  2. 25 spins
  3. 25 spins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 17

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 16

  1. 25 spins
  2. 25 spins
  3. 25 spins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 15

  1. 10 spins, 2 million coins
  2. 25 spins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 14

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 13

  1. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 12

  1. 25 spins
  2. 25 spins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 11

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 10

  1. 10 million coins
  2. 25 spins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 9

  1. 25 spins
  2. 25 spins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 8

  1. 10 spins, 2 million coins
  2. 25 spins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 7

  1. 10 spins, 2 million coins
  2. 25 spins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 6

  1. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 5

  1. 25 spins
  2. 25 spins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 4

  1. 10 spins, 2 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 3

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 million coins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 2

  1. 25 spins
  2. 25 spins

Pet Master free spins & coins March 1

  1. 25 spins
  2. 10 spins, 2 million coins
Expert Writer