How to leave a Division in World of Warships


A Division in World of Warships is a small team of players that join battles and fight together. Divisions work just like Platoons in World of Tanks or parties in your average online multiplayer game. Coordinating an entire team of strangers is virtually impossible, but often a close-knit, coordinated Division is enough to turn the tide of battle.

Don’t forget that every member in a Division should pull their weight. If you want to be a good Division mate, you should brush up on essential techniques, like how to turn off AA guns and how to fire all guns at once.

Maybe it’s your Division mates who are holding you back. World of Warships doesn’t lock you into a Division once you’ve joined. Down below, we’ll show you how to leave a Division in World of Warships.

Leaving a Division

Once you’re in a Division, you can leave at any time from your Port. If you are the party leader, one of the remaining members will be randomly assigned the leader role.

Here’s how to leave a Division in World of Warships:

  • Open the Division chat window and click on the X button in the top right.
  • Right click the Division window.

Whichever method you choose, you will get a pop-up asking you to confirm that you want to leave the Division.

Every player is different, and not every group of players can play and coordinate well in a battle—even best friends. The great part about Divisions is that you can always leave when things just aren’t working out.

What is a Division in World of Warships?

A Division in World of Warships is a group of two or three players who play together and coordinate their actions to achieve their objectives.

How do I join a Division in World of Warships?

To join a Division in World of Warships, click on the Divisions tab next to the Battle! button in your Port. From there, you can create a new Division or request to join an existing Division.

How do I leave a Division in World of Warships?

To leave a Division in World of Warships, open the Division chat window and click on the X button in the top right. Alternatively, you can leave a Division by right-clicking the Division window.

What happens when I leave a Division in World of Warships?

When you leave a Division in World of Warships, you will no longer be part of that group and will not be able to play with the other members of the Division. However, you can still play the game normally and join another Division if you choose to do so.

Is there a limit to how many times I can leave and join Divisions in World of Warships?

There is no limit to how many times you can leave and join Divisions in World of Warships. However, leaving and joining Divisions frequently may affect your ability to find and join other Divisions in the future.