How to fire all guns at once in World of Warships — explained

Sometimes you just want to sink a ship as quickly as possible. Here's how to fire a full salvo and fire all guns at once.


The fastest way to deal massive damage to an enemy ship is by releasing a full salvo of all your shells, torpedoes, and rounds at once. While not always a good idea, if you enough of your projectiles hit, a full salvo can spell a one-way ticket to the ocean floor.

Down below, we’ll show you the different firing modes, including how to fire all guns at once in World of Warships.

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The different firing modes in World of Warships

There are three firing modes in World of Warships: single fire, sequential fire, and a full salvo (fire all guns at once). The great news is that they all use the same button!

Single fire is when you fire off a single round from the currently selected weapon. Just tap your attack button (default is left mouse button) once to perform a single fire shot. You’ve probably done this a thousand times before.

Sequential fire goes through all of your guns in sequence, exhausting all the rounds in a weapon before moving onto the next. Click and hold down the attack button to perform sequential fire.

Firing a full salvo means to release the rounds in all your guns, turrets, and torpedoes in the direction that you’re aiming. You can fire a full salvo by double clicking the attack button. Any weapons that cannot fire in that direction, due to currently reloading or being physically unable to face it, will not fire.

One interesting note: you can fire all guns at once by selecting another ammo type for loading. For example, if you have HE loaded in your guns and then swap to AP, the next time you fire, your guns will unload all their HE in one go before reloading with the new ammunition.

It’s not always a good idea to fire full salvo. Unless you’re at point blank range, there’s a good chance your projectiles will miss. Also, the reload time after firing a salvo can leave you vulnerable for a long time.

Certain ship types will find the full salvo method more effective than others. Check out our guides on how to play a Destroyer, how to play a Battleship, and how to use a Cruiser in World of Warships for more specific explanations of each ship type.

Keep a cool head and assess the situation before choosing to unleash all your guns at once. Now the next time you see a particularly vulnerable ship just waiting to be blasted, or a particularly annoying enemy, you’ll know exactly how to fire all guns at once.

How do I fire all guns at once in World of Warships?

To fire all guns at once in World of Warships (a “full salvo”), just double-click your Fire button (left mouse button by default).

Can I fire all guns at once in World of Warships with the mouse?

No, you cannot fire all guns at once in World of Warships without using the mouse.

What are the benefits of firing all guns at once in World of Warships?

Firing all guns at once in World of Warships can be useful when trying to deal maximum damage to a single target and increase your chances of hitting your target.

Is it possible to fire all guns at once in World of Warships without using the “Alt” key?

Yes. Double-click your left mouse button to fire a full salvo.

Can firing all guns at once in World of Warships increase my chances of winning battles?

Firing all guns at once in World of Warships can increase your chances of winning battles by allowing you to deal maximum damage to your targets. However, it is just one of many strategies that you can use in the game and success will also depend on your overall playstyle, ship choice, and teamwork.

Are there any downsides to firing all guns at once in World of Warships?

Firing all guns at once in World of Warships can consume ammunition quickly, so it is important to use this technique wisely. Additionally, firing all guns at once puts all your weapons on reload, leaving you vulnerable to attacks.