How to play a Destroyer in World of Warships

Learn to play Destroyers the right way with this basic guide.


Destroyers are the bruiser class in World of Warships. They are the most balanced of the game’s four classes, with decent armor, speed, stealth, maneuverability, and firepower. They’re also the most varied of the classes—any two DDs will feel and play differently.

Despite this variability, there’s a general way of play for all Destroyers. In this guide, you’ll learn the basics of how to play a Destroyer in World of Warships. You’ll walk away from this article with a solid grounding in Destroyer play that you can immediately apply in your matches.

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Don’t rush caps

Rushing caps is one of the biggest mistakes new DD players make. Yes, you need caps to win, but dying early on only helps the other team.

It’s safer to sit just outside of the capture point, preferably in a place with cover. This lets you use your ship’s concealment while staying close enough to cap when the opportunity presents itself. If you’re spotted by the enemy, just pop smoke and reposition.

Start every match by checking team composition

Before you do anything, check what ships are on each side. The first thing you want to look out for is enemy radar. Once you’ve identified which ships have radar, keep an eye out for where they are on the map.

Never attempt a cap before knowing where the radar ships are.

Never sit in smoke

A smoke will help keep you concealed, but it’s not an invisible cloak. Think about it; what’s the first thing you do when you see a smoke? You think, “Someone must be hiding in there!”

A player who sits in smoke is like that kid who plays hide and seek by sitting under a blanket in the middle of the living room. We all know you’re there, so get out or get sunk.

Also, any good Destroyer should know how to turn off AA in World of Warships. Knowing this single tip will save you from unnecessary air strikes.

Hard cover is better than smokes

This relates to the previous point. Smokes are great for staying hidden, but hard cover, like islands, is much better. Smokes are a warning sign that someone is or was here, but you can never be sure whether or not a boat is camped out behind an island.

Disable your AA guns

This sounds counterintuitive, but your AA guns can actually make you more susceptible to air strikes. On nearly all ships, the AA engagement range is farther than the ship’s concealment range. This means your AA will fire at enemy planes before your ship has been spotted, instantly revealing you to the enemy.

So, turn off your AA guns (the default key is “P”). Early on, partner up with an ally ship with decent AA defenses, then lay low near an island while you survey the battlefield situation. The last thing you want is to be discovered before you can put together an attack strategy.

Just remember to turn your AA guns back on once things start to heat up.

Torpedoes are slow

Like, really, really slow. There’s a specific range that’s ideal for torpedo launchers. Ideally, you want to be as close as possible before firing but not so close that they strike before they’re armed. If you’re unfamiliar with how torpedoes work or how to read the torpedo launcher interface, take a moment now to learn how to manually drop torpedoes in World of Warships.

Watch out for friendly fire!

Torpedoes have no loyalties. Once launched, they’ll destroy anything they hit, including friendlies. Never fire torpedoes with friendlies in front of you. Remember: torpedoes are really, really slow. Your ally could change heading and steer into your underwater missile.

Destroyers offer a great balance of firepower and speed that allow them to influence a fight in meaningful ways. The tips laid out in this guide will teach you how to take advantage of both in a way that doesn’t end with you sleeping with the fishes in three minutes. As always, practice makes perfect, so don’t feel discouraged if you’re having trouble putting a concept to practice. Just work at it and have fun!

What is a Destroyer in World of Warships?

A Destroyer in World of Warships is a type of warship that is fast, maneuverable, and lightly armored. Destroyers in the game are equipped with torpedoes and guns and are used to support friendly ships and attack enemy ships.

What are the basics of playing a Destroyer in World of Warships?

The basics of playing a Destroyer in World of Warships include:

Staying aware of enemy ships and positioning yourself to attack or support friendly ships as needed.

Using your torpedoes and guns to attack enemy ships.
Staying aware of your surroundings and avoiding enemy fire.

Communicating with your team and coordinating with them to achieve your objectives.

What are some tips for playing a Destroyer effectively in World of Warships?

The basics of playing a Destroyer in World of Warships include:

Staying aware of enemy ships and positioning yourself to attack or support friendly ships as needed.

Using your torpedoes and guns to attack enemy ships.

Staying aware of your surroundings and avoiding enemy fire.

Communicating with your team and coordinating with them to achieve your objectives.

How do I use my torpedoes effectively as a Destroyer in World of Warships?

To use your torpedoes effectively as a Destroyer in World of Warships, you should:

Wait until you are in a position where you can attack the enemy ship without being seen.

Fire your torpedoes at an angle that will allow them to hit the enemy ship and avoid any obstacles.

Aim for the enemy ship’s weak points, such as its side or stern, to maximize the damage from your torpedoes.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when playing a Destroyer in World of Warships?

Some common mistakes to avoid when playing a Destroyer in World of Warships include:

Drawing too much attention to yourself and being targeted by multiple enemy ships.

Firing your torpedoes too early or from a position where they can be easily dodged.

Staying in one place for too long and becoming an easy target for enemy ships.

Not communicating with your team and failing to coordinate your attacks with them.

What are some advanced tactics for playing a Destroyer in World of Warships?

Some advanced tactics for playing a Destroyer in World of Warships include:

Using smoke to hide yourself and other friendly ships.
Positioning yourself to attack enemy ships from the rear or sides, where they are vulnerable.

Using your speed and maneuverability to dodge enemy fire and get into position to attack.

Predicting the movements of enemy ships and anticipating their attacks.