Farlight Games

How many people play Farlight 84? — 2024 statistics

Blasting into the battle royale scene with futuristic flair.

Release Date
September 21, 2023
Farlight Games
Farlight Games

Farlight 84 has rapidly gained traction in the gaming world, captivating players with its fast-paced hero battle royale gameplay and dynamic content. Analyzing Farlight 84 stats reveals a robust player base and significant engagement across multiple platforms. It’s clear that Farlight 84 has carved out a notable presence in the competitive battle royale genre. So, how many people play Farlight 84? The numbers show a dedicated community that continues to grow and thrive, reflecting the game’s widespread appeal and successful integration of free-to-play mechanics with engaging gameplay.

Farlight 84 reached an all-time peak of 41,396 concurrent players in June 2023​.

(Source: Steam Charts, Games Stats, Newzoo)

  • As of the recent data, the game has around 1,530 to 2,900 concurrent players on Steam, indicating a stable and engaged player base despite the fluctuations in numbers over time​.
  • In April 2024, Farlight 84 was ranked as the #661 most played game based on monthly active users, showcasing its sustained popularity in the competitive gaming market​

Farlight 84 is free to play and was downloaded more than 1.3 million times on Steam.

(Source: Video Game insights)

  • As a free-to-play game with in-app purchases, Farlight 84 generates revenue through microtransactions and cosmetic sales.
  • Average playtime is around 19 hours.
  • Game has received 79% positive reviews on Steam.

Farlight 84 was ranked #279 on Twitch in April 2024, with 329.8K hours watched, reflecting its engagement and popularity among viewers.

(Source: Newzoo)

  • Farlight 84 was ranked as the #661 most played game based on monthly active users, showcasing its sustained popularity in the competitive gaming market​.
  • Farlight 84 maintains a dedicated community, actively engaging with players through updates, events, and new content releases to keep the player base interested and invested.


  • “Farlight 84”. Steam Charts, 2024, https://steamcharts.com/app/1928420
  • “Farlight 84”. Newzoo, 2024, https://newzoo.com/games/farlight-84
  • “Farlight 84 game revenue and stats on Steam”. Game Stats, 2024, https://games-stats.com/steam/game/farlight-84/
  • “Farlight 84 Steam stats”. Video Game Insights, 2024, https://vginsights.com/game/1928420