How to update World of Warships

If you're experiencing hitches with the World of Warships update process, here are some ways to troubleshoot your issues.


World of Warships is a game that’s under active development, so it’s always changing with new features and bug fixes. Normally, the game updates itself through the launcher or WGC client when there’s a new patch. But sometimes, things can get a bit wonky, and you might have trouble updating. In this guide, we’ll go over how to update World of Warships. We’ll also go over some handy troubleshooting tips for when you’re having issues updating the game.

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Just so you know, you can’t manually update World of Warships like some other multiplayer games. The only way to get the latest version is through the game launcher or Game Center (WGC) client’s automatic update feature.

To update the game, simply open up WGC or the launcher. The software will check if you have the latest version and update it automatically if you’re running an older version. Once the update’s finished, you’ll be good to go and can start playing!

Why is the update so slow?

WGC and the World of Warships launcher both use torrents to get you the update files. If you don’t know what torrents are, they’re a way to download the files from other players in addition to the official Wargaming servers. The idea is that you’ll get the updates faster and with fewer hiccups.

In reality, how fast you get the updates will depend on how many seeders (other people sharing the update files) are online and where they’re located. If you notice the update taking forever, it could mean there aren’t many people seeding the files right now. Just hit pause on the update (it’ll save your progress) and come back later when more seeders are online.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re having issues getting the auto-update process to start at all, try these troubleshooting tips:

Check your WoWs instance directory (WGC)

If you’ve recently moved your World of Warships folder, you may have forgotten to tell WGC where the game’s new directory is.

In WGC, go to World of Warships and click on the “Install New Instance” button. You’ll be able to choose the folder where your World of Warships files are located. Once you do that, the client will verify everything’s in the right spot, and you should be able to update and launch the game like normal!

Verify game files (Steam)

If you play World of Warships through Steam and can’t get the updates to start, some of your files may have been corrupted. Luckily, Steam has an easy fix:

  1. Open up your Steam Library
  2. Right-click on World of Warships and select Properties
  3. Select the Local Files tab and click Verify integrity of game files

You’re in for a bit of a wait, as the verification process can take some time.

Check your firewall settings

Another possible reason you can’t update World of Warships is that a new software may have modified your system’s firewall settings. The game’s client may not be able to connect to the game’s servers!

Here’s how to check your firewall settings in Windows 10/11:

  1. Open the Start menu
  2. Type Control Panel in the search bar and click to open your Control Panel
  3. Click on Windows Firewall
  4. Click on Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall
  5. Click on the Change settings button
  6. Make sure the checkboxes under Private and Public are both enabled for World of Warships

Flush your DNS cache

Our last tip is to flush your DNS cache. Occasionally, your ISP may change your network’s default DNS servers without notifying you. In some instances, this can cause your computer’s DNS cache to point you to the wrong address. Flushing your DNS cache forces your system to update the addresses for all domains in its memory.

  1. Open your command prompt (open Start menu and type cmd in the search bar)
  2. Type ipconfig /registerdns
  3. When the operation is completed, you should see the text: “Successfully flushed the DNS resolver cache” appear in your terminal.
  4. Exit and restart your computer.

That covers just about everything you need to know about how to update World of Warships. If after all of this, you’re still having problems updating the game, you may have to contact your ISP or a network administrator to help you. Good luck!