Friday Night Funkin unblocked games — best sites to play

Here's how to play Friday Night Funkin with no restrictions.

If you’re connected to a network that might impose restrictions on certain gaming sites, it can put a real damper on your mood and your free time. Schools usually block the most popular gaming sites because some students might choose to play games while classes are going on. One of the games teachers can block is Friday Night Funkin.

But what if you have a free period where you can do whatever you want? Those sites are still blocked, even then. It’s at this point that you can look into alternative sites that offer all of the games you want to play, all while bypassing your school’s restrictions. If you’re a fan of FNF in particular, we’ve prepared this list of Friday Night Funkin unblocked sites you can play at any time!

If you’re also a fan of Roblox, we have some articles for you. These are code articles that can give you an edge in your favorite games. Stop by Shindo Life codes, Anime Fighting Simulator codes, as well as All Star Tower Defense codes to get some freebies!

The best Friday Night Funkin’ unblocked sites

To use these sites, all you have to do is type these titles in a search bar and you can make your way from there. The whole process is quite simple, so here are the sites:

  1. FNF Unblocked 76
  2. Unblocked Games FNF
  3. FRIDAY NIGHT FUNKIN’ Newgrounds
  4. FNF Unblocked 911
  5. Friday Night Funkin WTF
  6. Friday Night Funkin Unblocked 911
  7. FNF Unblocked Games WT
  9. Friday Night Funkin Unblocked Games

And there you have it! All you have to do is enter these in your search bar and you’re free to enjoy this fantastic game as much as you want. We sincerely hope that you have found all of the information you needed, and if you’re ever in need of more games, you can take a look at our other articles like the best tank games and the best free PC games.