Roblox face IDs — best man & woman face codes

Change your face with these handy codes!

Roblox has been continually evolving as the years pass, so the customization options of characters have never been better! You are able to customize and modify anything about to your character and even your face, which is impressive considering the graphical standard of the game. There are hundreds of preset faces to choose from, as well as other, community faces.

But how can you find the right Roblox face ID for you? The answer is here as we have prepared a comprehensive list of some of the best Roblox face IDs to choose from. They are fun, creative, and players have put a lot of effort into creating them so they cover a wide range of emotions to fit any person and any situation.

We sincerely hope you find this article informative and helpful, and we urge you to check out some of our other code articles like Warframe promo codes, World of Warships codes and World of Tanks codes for some free stuff!

The best Roblox face IDs

  1. Absolutely Shocked – 2620506085
  2. Aghast Face – 9250633
  3. Angelic – 45084008
  4. Anime Surprise – 416846300
  5. Bacon Face – 399021751
  6. Bandage Face – 20418682
  7. Anguished – 8560975
  8. Bling – 25975243
  9. Eyeroll Blue – 323191979
  10. Beast Mode – 128992838
  11. Blue Goof – 1191162013
  12. Blizzard Beast Mode – 209995252
  13. Blue Starface – 119812715
  14. Blue Sad Eyes – 391496223
  15. Awkward Grin – 150182501
  16. Emperor – 25267538
  17. Eyes of Everfrost – 22972723
  18. Disapproving Unibrow – 66330360
  19. Emotionally Distressed Zombie – 7506136
  20. Freckled Cheeks – 25556219
  21. Trusting Smile – 402304145
  22. Glory on the Gridiron – 21802396
  23. Drool Angry Zombie – 406001532
  24. Grandma’s Lipstick – 51241480
  25. RAWR! – 7076224
  26. Retro Smiley Face – 10770432
  27. Serious Scar Face – 406000421
  28. Shiny Teeth – 20722130
  29. Sigmund – 21311601
  30. Troublemaker – 22920501
  31. Walk The Plank You Scurvy Dogs – 13478124
  32. Whistle Face – 22877700
  33. Yawn Face – 20010377
  34. Winter Face – 22587828
  35. Wink Blink – 22828351
  36. The Dog Whisperer – 34764447
  37. Tango Face – 16101765
  38. Super Happy Joy – 280988698
  39. Not So Friendly Eviscerator – 66330204
  40. Monster Face – 49045351
  41. Mick McCann – 23264604
  42. Madbot Face 10000 – 554658475
  43. Look At My Nose – 23311761
  44. Lightning Speaker – 66330231
  45. Furious George – 277950647
  46. Exclamation Face – 35168581
  47. Dizzy – 10907551
  48. Demented Mouse – 12188176
  49. Clown Face – 23644960
  50. Chubs Face – 7076110

What are Roblox face IDs?

Roblox face IDs are special codes that you can input to change your face. They get applied onto your base head and can include a wide array of emotions, ranging from sad to angry, from happy to content, with some even including the features of clowns or aliens.

How to use Roblox face IDs

There is no real way of permanently changing your face, but you can use these face IDs when you enter a game within Roblox and they present you with the option of a custom face. You should be able to choose from the predetermined faces, or you might be able to use any face you wish. Simply come back here and take your pick!

That would be all regarding Roblox face IDs. They are a great way of expressing yourself and we’re glad that we could have provided you with an opportunity to showcase your creativity. If you’ve found this article informative, you can also check out Roblox statistics and facts for some cool information.