How to leave a clan in World of Tanks


Clans are social groups in World of Tanks where you can meet other dedicated tankies who love the game as much as you do. They are a great way to make new friends and learn important tips and tricks about how to improve as a player.

You don’t have to stick with the same Clan forever. There are many reasons why you might want to leave your current clan. Some people find their skills have developed beyond the ambitions of their clan. Others just can’t seem to click with their current clanmates.

This step-by-step guide will show you how to leave a clan in World of Tanks. As with anything that’s directly to do with your World of Tanks account settings, the process for quitting a clan must be initiated from the World of Tanks website.

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How to leave a clan in World of Tanks

Leaving a clan is a simple and straightforward process. Here are the steps you should take to leave your clan today:

1. Log into your Wargaming account on the official Wargaming website

The process for leaving a clan begins on the official Wargaming website. Currently, there’s no way to leave a clan from within the game’s client.

Go to the official Wargaming website and log into your Wargaming account.

2. Click on your username

Once logged in, click on your username in the top-right of the website. This will bring up a drop-down menu.

3. Click on “My Clan”

Click the “My Clan” option from the drop-down menu to manage your account’s Clan settings.

4. Click on the “Leave Clan” option

Click on the “Leave Clan” link in the bottom-left of your Clan settings. A pop-up notification will appear.

5. Confirm that you want to leave your current clan

The website will double check to confirm you actually want to leave your current clan. Click on the “Leave Clan” button to confirm or the “Cancel” button if you’ve changed your mind.

6. You’ve quit!

That’s it! You’ve successfully left your Clan. Now when you bring up your Clan settings in the Wargaming website, the site will show you a “Find Clan” button, which lets you seek out new potential Clans to join.

Any serious World of Tanks player knows just how important Clans are to their development. Clanless tankies are missing out on special Clan bonuses and the chance to take part in Clan Wars and the Global Map, which are two of the most fun features in World of Tanks.

That said, it’s definitely worth spending the time to shop around for a Clan that fits you. Some Clans may ask for more investment and dedication than you’re willing to give (or vice versa). Now that you know how to leave a Clan in World of Tanks, your search for the perfect Clan can continue!

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Why would I want to leave a Clan in World of Tanks?

There can be many reasons why a player would want to leave a clan in World of Tanks, including wanting to join a different clan, not being satisfied with the clan’s policies or playstyle, or simply wanting to play the game solo.

How do I leave a Clan in World of Tanks?

To leave a Clan in World of Tanks, you need to follow these steps:
1. Go to the Wargaming website and log into your account
2. Click on your username (top-right of the website)
3. Click on “My Clan”
4. Click on the “Leave Clan” button
5. Confirm that you want to leave your current clan.

Are there any consequences to leaving a Clan in World of Tanks?

There are no consequences for leaving a Clan. However, you cannot join another Clan for 24 hours after leaving one.

Can I rejoin a Clan that I have left in World of Tanks?

Yes, you can rejoin a Clan that you have left in World of Tanks. However, it may depend on the specific policies of the Clan and whether they are willing to accept you back.

How long does it take for my departure from a Clan to take effect in World of Tanks?

The departure from a Clan in World of Tanks usually takes effect immediately. However, it may take a few minutes for the changes to be reflected in the game.

Can I leave a Clan and join another Clan in the same day in World of Tanks?

No, you cannot leave a Clan and join another Clan in the same day in World of Tanks. You must wait 24 hours after leaving a Clan before you can join another Clan.